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Seiðr (sometimes written as (Seidhr, Seidr, Sejd) is historically a form of magic practised in the old Norse society. Seidr involved entering into altered states of consciousness to open portals and access hidden realms and communicate with beings and spirits. 

Seiðr practitioners were of both sexes. The sorceresses were known as vÇ«lur, seiðkonur and vísendakona. Male practitioners were known as seiðmenn (or seiðmaður in the singular).
Seiðr is associated with both the God Óðinn and the Goddess Freyja, who was believed to have taught the practice to the Gods.
What is an “Inspired-Seidr"?
An “Inspired Seidr” sets out to explore a modern revival of the ancient Seidr practice with the intention of positively affecting our wellbeing and the wellbeing of communities, ecology, ancestors and families. In this private counselling practice, I work in areas of creating ceremony, non-ordinary states of awareness, runes, utiseta practice, skaldermal (storytelling and poetry), staff-work and sigil craft; all these areas are created to be a supportive and beneficial force to your life and to the landscape where you reside. It is a practice that aims to grow trees as well as dreams. 

What are the practices?
Pathfinding with runes
A therapeutic conversation lead by the archetypal language of runes, where the runes guide the questions. The aim of the rune pathfinding is also to explore what practices we can use together to work with a specific issue. Once something has been discovered, then we look for a chant (galdralag) to empower the situation. 

A galdralag is used as a magical intonation, this is similar to the Eastern practice of mantras. The difference being that the galdralag is something that is created from your own self, based upon the images that we work with.
I offer a one hour private session - please write to: for times and availability.
The Utiseta Practice
This is an emerging land-based contemplative practice coming from the Northern tradition. The old sources: Voluspa (Poetic Edda), The Story of Svipdag, The Islengingabok, the Law books, the Swedish Black Books, are all filled with this sacred practice.
An Utiseta can be a commitment to walk at night time in the woods for an entire year (called Årsgang), or simply sitting quietly on a lonely mound between dusk and dawn, or going to an isolated part of the forest or landscape and waiting for the sunset.
This practice is part of rejuvenating and forming relations with the living landscape. We delve into the Northern heritage, language, myth, and rune lore, sigil art (both modern and old) – all linking to the Utiseta practice.
I also teach a version of an old Anglo-Saxon land healing ritual showing us a deepening of the ritual part of this practice.
Sigil Work
Here is a sigil I made to resist the extreme and addictive urges of Tik-Tok, a sigil like this is accompanied with a chant. As an example:
1. I am free from your false feeding
2. This far, but no further
3. My time hums from a different tide
4. Patience and practice
5. Patience and pause
6. From bind to bindless
7. From bindless to balance
I teach the alliteration of the Galdralag as is revealed to us from the Poetic Edda. The Sigil techniques are both modern and old, much is inspired by the Icelandic traditions.
This particular demblem/sigil was designed for the destructive consequences of TikTok, but these sigils and galdralags can be adapted according to your situation and circumstance. A demblem is a sigil technique that removes the ramifications of manipulating marketing forces and invasive logos and brands that are there to bind us into particular behaviours.
None of this should replace ordinary and modern psychological health or medicine, it is used as an alternative alongside other psychological methods. Here we also look into the architecture of relations with ceremony and blots.
Staff Work
The female Seidr practitioner was called a "Völva" and it means "staff carrier." The staff was central to use in ceremonial sessions, especially the High Seat ritual.
Working with your staff means to bring it to an energetic life; we will explore how it can help as a protector and learning to find our staff-song.
The Dreaming Elk work has been created over many years of working in the realm of the imaginal standing on the ground of the Northern Tradition.
These sessions are one hour at a time, please write to me with the subject "Dreaming Elk" for times, costs and availability.
I look forward to working with you. Hail the DAY!

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